Productive Things To Do When You're Bored At Home

As we all are aware of the Global Covid-19 Pandemic situation that’s been getting on our nerves for a couple of months now and the best way to deal with this is to stay at home and keep yourselves offline from the outer world. So now spending your whole day at home watching Netflix, Scrolling down your fb timeline watching memes has become a mandatory part of your lifestyle but the question is we are not sure when this pandemic will be over and when we will start living our lives normal like before.
So, If you’re pretty much done with all your Netflix shows and can’t figure out what else can you do to pass your time sitting on the sofa doing nothing? We have come up with some cool productive things which you can do during this lockdown. From Organizing your wardrobe to learning a new language there are many stuffs which you can take up and make your free time valuable.
1. Learn A New Language
Remember those days when you said you'd learn Italian, Spanish or French but just couldn't find a free time for yourself? This is your chance. You’ve already got access to internet so why not learn a new language by watching any YouTube channel or other video tutorials. You can make the most of your time by doing so. Start doing it now and you won’t find yourself wandering around like an extra useless pillow on your bed.
2. Learn To Cook
Many big personalities are using their time in lockdown to learn how to cook. Pick among any of your favorite dishes and start making it by your own. The easiest way you can do it is to watch any cooking tutorial video on YouTube or Get some recipe books and start making some tasty foods.
3. Photography Or Video-Making
You Don’t Need a DSLR for this. Pick your phone and start capturing some best moments of you and your family members spending time together. Some day when everything is fine and you feel alone start playing these videos and it will bring your all good memories with your family. View your life through different lens and angles – Capture Special Moments !
4. Organize Your Wardrobe
Accept Or Not ! We all have our wardrobes cluttered with lots of useless clothes which we don’t need any more. So now it’s time to clean your wardrobe and de clutter it by removing all those pieces which have never seen sunlight from such a long time. Pass them on to your friends, family or the best thing would be to donate it to the charity or to the needy ones.
5. Take Any Online Course
Are you thinking of improving your personal portfolio or trying to acquire a new hobby? Well you have lot of institutions providing wide variety of premium courses. Choose one which suits you best and Start learning. Earn professional or educational accreditation, learn new skills, or simply keep boredom aside.
6. Update your CV and Professional Accounts
Utilize this period to work towards a brighter future. Before lockdown we never gave much thought about updating our CVs and other professional stuffs. Won’t it be better to start going through your professional accounts and data to give it some changes. Keep it updated and fresh for finding some good career opportunities in future.
7. Blog Writing
How many of you have opened ms word stared at a blank page for a while and closed it again without typing a single word. Blog writing can be useful for sharing your passion and thoughts. Take it as an oppurtunity to try something new and get that creativity thing going.
8. Exercise
Missing the Gym ? Well, Working Out at home can be a lot beneficial to your body and mind. Try different types of workouts or do some new yoga positions that suits well for you. Stay Fit Stay Home & Stay Healthy !
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